


Marketing your business online after the 2020 Lockdown

Marketing your business online after the 2020 Lockdown

Soon we will be reflecting on this strange year that feels like it has somehow passed by us. It somehow feels like we’ve skipped 2020. We’re still stuck in April, yet the start of a new decade is around the corner, only with more debt and an emptier wallet.

So, how do you market your businesses in 2021, with a limited budget? Read the rest of this article

Online Advertising Industry blossoms

Read the article on the Online Advertising Industry blossoming

SA's online advertising industry has experienced rapid growth. Using a directory site, like Assist247, to advertise business is one way that companies can improve their visibility online and reach internet users without a huge advertising budget.

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Advantages of online web advertising in the recession

Read the article on the Advantages of online web advertising in the recession

All avenues of communication should be explored when the pickings are slim. Advertising on the web opens up channels of communication and allows for the possibility of sourcing business opportunities and joining new business ventures.

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Business tips to improve prospects in South Africa

Read the article on Business tips that improve prospects in South Africa

When people need to push the envelope to make money, they produce their best work and make the most imaginative products. Some encouraging advice from successful entrepenuers.

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In this edition we look into how traffic authorities have taken some important steps that will help them to curb the incidence of road accidents. The implementation of the demerit system for traffic offenders as well as new and improved blood alcohol testers and a brand new “drugalyser” to test for the presence of drugs.

Lastly, we take a look at some all important tips from Arrive Alive on how to successfully cope with roadside emergencies.

South Africa introduces the demerit system for driving offences

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The South african traffic demerit system for driving offences - drivers are docked points from their licenses for various offences.

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New devices to curb drug and alcohol related road accidents

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New technology will hopefully aid traffic police lower SA’s appalling road accident statistics. The intoximeter enables traffic police to test drivers’ blood alcohol levels on the scene, while the drugalyser will test for the presence of narcotics.

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Keeping your head in an emergency

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Some important roadside emergency tips that could help you to save lives. From the very fundamental - parking your vehicle safely off the road - to important first aid advice.

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In this edition we take a look at the latest news, speculation and releases regarding mobile smart phones. Smartphones are more than just mobile phones. Smartphones
allow you to walk around with your office, diary and internet connection in your pocket.

3G iPhone: more than a status symbol

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The new Apple 3G iPhone recently released in South Africa by Vodacom.

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South African Blackberries ripe for the picking

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Blackberries are among the most popular smartphones in the world.

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Google Android: bringing smartphone technology to the masses

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When it comes to smartphones, there is quite a difference between Google’s Android and Apple’s iPhone.

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Microsoft moves into smartphone territory with zunePhone

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There are rumours floating around that Microsoft is going to try and combat the success of Apple’s iPhone with a “zunePhone”.

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In this edition, we focused on service. As a database of service providers, we understand the value of quality and affordable service and thus do everything in our power to help you get the service you deserve at a price you can afford.

For most of us, the average day represents a frantic struggle of balancing all our responsibilities at work and at home – going out and having fun has become a luxury!

We say that life is too short to spend it struggling and stressing. Here are some of the ways in which Assist 247 – and the excellent services of our providers – helps make it possible for South Africans to save some time and spend it on things that really matter:

Contact cleaning services through Assist 247!

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Whether you are the owner of a large hotel, a busy executive or a stay-at-home mom, chances are you have to deal with the schlep of cleaning and tidying fairly regularly. Like most things in life, however, there is a difficult way and an easy way to keep your living and working environments hygienic and clean. Read the rest of this article to discover the easy way!

Get in touch with reputable childminders and night nurses

Read article on childminders and night nurses

At Assist 247, we are all about service. With our user-friendly website and comprehensive listing of reputable childminders and night nurses in your area, we make it easy for you to enjoy a night out. Click here to read more.

Handyman services to spruce up your home!

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Are you tired of those old tiles in the bathroom? Has the time come for new kitchen cupboards or to revamp the guest bedroom? Handyman services could be just the thing for you. Read this article for information about handyman services in your area.

Get your office organised with a little help from Assist 247!

Read article on office organising

Whether you are the boss of a large office or running your own business from home, you’ll know that it is much easier to get down to business when your office is organised and everything is in its place. Read more to find out how Assist 247 makes getting in touch with professional office organisers a pleasure.

In this edition we focused on home improvement. Here were some ideas:

Home improvements: Waterproofing, painting and building

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Whether your home is in need of waterproofing, painting or building repairs, Assist 247 is guaranteed to be of service. Read this article for fast, easy maintenance tips.

Pest controllers in South Africa

Read article on Pest controllers in South Africa

We’ve all been through it: After five hours in the car, having endured the heat and the kids’ bickering, you finally arrive home from your vacation only to find that the whole house is infested with fleas! Read this article to find out how to deal with the problem.

Swimming pool repair services

Read article on Swimming pool repair services

If you have a swimming pool, there is no reason why you can’t spend every weekend relaxing at the pool. Not to mention enjoying refreshing early morning swims and soothing sunset soaks! Read this article and discover how easy it can be.

TV/VCR/DSTV specialists

Read article on TV/VCR/DSTV specialists

If you are one of those people who has always wanted DSTV, but never actually got down to installing it because it seems like such a schlep, the Assist 247 directory is just the thing for you! Read this article to find out how you can make it happen!

In this edition we brought you advice on safeguarding your home while you were on holiday and getting your car in tip-top shape for your trip!

Ensuring your home is safe while you are on holiday

Read article on home safety while you are away on holiday

The last thing you want - or need - is to worry about the security of your home while you are supposed to be enjoying a relaxing holiday. Read this article for useful tips and advice.

The ASSIST 247 Is-Your-Car-Ready-For-The-Holidays checklist

Read article on getting your car holiday ready

Are you planning on traveling long distance this holiday? It is crucial to ensure that your car is fit to go the distance. Read this article for our useful checklist.

Road safety: Take some time to consider these tips

Read article on Road safety tips while driving to your destination

With the frightening road accident statistics that seem to increase every year, you need to take every precaution to ensure your safety and that of your family.
Read this article for more information.

Going on holiday? Allow Assist 247 to help you prepare

Read article on how we can help you prepare for your holiday

Assist 247 boasts a directory of more than 35 000 accredited South African service providers. Read this article and find out how fast and convenient it can be to get in touch with experts to help you prepare your home and your vehicle for the holidays!

In this edition, our focus was on motoring as well as new and used car dealers. Read on for tips and advice on buying a second hand car, and find out how to go about getting an auto insurance scheme that suits your needs and your pocket.

Keep reading for information about roadworthiness, and finally, discover why Assist247 is the best online directory to help you find accredited new and used car dealers.

Tips and advice on buying second hand cars

Read this article to get tips and advice on buying second hand cars

Are you considering buying a second hand car? Heed our expert tips and useful advice to ensure that you get value for your money. Interested? Read the article…

Understanding and managing car insurance

Read this article on Understanding and managing car insurance

Read this article to learn about the basic types of car insurance schemes, and find out how you can lower your monthly premiums!

Is your vehicle road worthy?

Read this article on getting your car roadworthy

When last have you considered the condition of your vehicle? Find out more about roadworthiness and how to go about obtaining a roadworthiness certificate - for the safety and protection of your vehicle, its passengers and other road users.

Find quality new and used car dealers with Assist247

Read this article on new and used car dealers

If you are looking for a quality, affordable new or second hand vehicle, look no further than Assist247! Our directory boasts an extensive listing of reputable, reliable and affordable new and used car dealers in your area. Read all about it!.
